Jon Ingham ist ein international renommierter HR-Experte und Berater, den wir schon öfters als Beitragenden in unseren Veranstaltungen begrüßen durch und jetzt zum Shift/HR Innovation SUMMIT mit einer Keynote dabei haben. Er hat mehrere Bücher geschrieben und ist für seine Arbeit im Bereich der strategischen Personalentwicklung und der Entwicklung von Unternehmenskultur bekannt.
In diesem Interview haben wir über seine Ansichten zu verschiedenen Themen im Zusammenhang mit HR gesprochen. Im Rahmen dieses Interviews hat Jon Ingham dargestellt, dass viele HR-Experten bereit sind, die Verantwortung für die Umsetzung von Transformationsprozessen zu übernehmen, aber es gibt immer noch einige, die die Chance nicht erkennen. Jon betont die Wichtigkeit eines langfristigen Plans und der Integration von Geschäfts- und Personalinteressen bei der Gestaltung von Arbeit.
1. Jon – we are very much looking forward to your talk at our Shift/HR Innovation SUMMIT. What are the three tags that we can add to your talk?
#Work #PeopleCentric #Strategic
2. Do the HR people already have acknowledged to take up the chance in jumping into the “driver’s seat” for the overall transformational process that is shaking the corporate world?
Many HR people are absolutely ready, and others have already taken the initiative. However, I do remain disappointed by the number of HR people who either don't understand the opportunity, or are waiting for something - I don't know for what. A good example is Gartner's finding that 62% of HR leaders' biggest challenge with the future of work is their organisation’s lack of an explicit future of work strategy - where do these HR people think that is going to come from, if not from them?
3. What are the key road blockers for them to take up further actions?
Well, as I've said, I struggle a bit with that. If I was still an HR Director, I would definitely take accountability for mapping out and delivering the future of work, in my organisation. By the way, we need to understand that the future will have changed from any plan by the time we get there. But planning, and changing, is much better than not aiming at anything because we don't know exactly what it's going to be. So that difficulty in planning may be one factor. Another is probably inertia - HR doen't come from, and isn't seen as coming from a great place. But as you say, the corporate world has completely changed now, and we need to reposition HR within that shifted environment.
4. To be more effective in the overall HR work – means for you what?
That we do have a future view of where people, work and our organisation is heading - and that we can continue to use this to steer as we make short-term incremental adjustments to the way things work now. This long-term view is best articulated through outcomes - what value our organisation will provide to the business it operates within, and to the people who work for it. And also clear principles that articulate what type of organisation we want to be within the particular area of work. Hybrid working is a great example - we can't create a sensible answer to where and how people should work until we understand what type of organisation we want to be first.
5.What do you mean by integrating people and businesses into a work design approach?
I talk about a multi-sided approach in which we understand employees are customers along with the external customers of the business. So not only do we have to create value through people for the business, but we need to create value for people too. When we design the future work, we need to understand the value expectations of both stakeholders, and then meet and exceed both these requirements. That needs to impact the work which is performed, how it is done, who does it, and where and when it is done. All of this needs to integrated into a coherent approach. So many people are just looking at part of this, for example, how work can add value to the business, or how we can use technology and contingent workers, or how we can provide autonomy and flexibility. But it all needs to be integrated.
6.What are your expectations for our conference? What can we expect?
I'm really looking forward to SHift/HR. I've not spoken for you for a while, but I've really enjoyed your conferences previously. I look forward to sharing some important insights that I don't think your participants will have heard before, and I look forward to at least a small amount of conversation around that. I'll be attending the (non-German) sessions throughout the conference, so encourage people to contact me and continue the conversation, and then perhaps to keep in touch on Linkedin.
Thank you Jon for answering our questions! We are happy to see you again at the Shift/HR Innovation SUMMIT!
Um Jon Ingham live zu sehen, meldet euch noch für den Shift/HR Innovation SUMMIT an!